An Open Letter to Teens (and Parents) About Sex

By Michael F. Mascolo, Ph.D. The following is a letter to teenage children about sexuality.  This letter is for all teens, regardless of their age, sexual orientation or political persuasion.  It was written in a spirit that I hope will be seen as free from any particular political agenda, liberal, conservative or otherwise.   My hope is that the values expressed in this letter will be something that many of us can agree upon.  However, if we differ, my hope is that it will at least lead to … [Read more...]

Do You and Your Partner Speak Different Love Languages?

Jennifer comes home after a long day at work.  Jeff has just prepared dinner for her and their three children.  He is excited because he intends to inaugurate a special family meal involving a new recipe each week.   The dinner is ready when Jennifer comes home.  They sit and eat, and engage in a lively conversation.  However, after the dinner, Jennifer seems sad.  When Jeff asks why, Jennifer complained that Jeff never does anything to make her feel loved. What’s going on here?  Jeff loves … [Read more...]

Managing Conflict Between You and Your Partner: Separate the Solution from the Problem

Managing Conflict: Separate the Solution from the Problem The other day, Cindy called Duncan at work.   Cindy asked Duncan to review a letter that she had just written to one of her clients.  Duncan was busy, however, with his own crisis.  He had two deadlines to make in less than an hour.  He didn’t have the time to help Cindy.  What’s more, Duncan feels that Cindy has a tendency to call him in the middle of the day to make requests like this.  “Cindy”, he said, “I need you to stop calling … [Read more...]